Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Vegan Creamy Pesto Cheeze Sauce

Here's the first recipe addition. It's vegan and it's RAW! All I can say is YUM! This is a versatile creamy cheeze sauce suitable for pasta, salad dressing or anything that requires something cheesy and yummy! I've used it on Raw Kelp Noodles and for a dressing on shredded cabbage and carrots, DELISH! It's so rich you'd never guess it wasn't laden with dairy!

Makes 1 Serving: (super easy to double, triple or quadruple the recipe)
1/2 a ripe avocado
1 tsp nutritional yeast
pink or sea salt to taste
1 tsp basil (triple if using fresh)
1 small clove garlic
1/2 - 1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar (or more - to taste)

Place all ingredients into a small food processor, magic bullet or something similar. Process until smooth.
**if you've added the cider vinegar to taste and your sauce is too thick, you can thin it with water if you like**

For a plain cheeze sauce, omit the basil and garlic.

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