Good morning!
Today is the last day of July and I can't believe how fast time is flying by. Summer's going to be over before I know it (not that I mind, Fall is definitely my favourite time of year) and the woodstove will be back at work. I foresee some issues with dragging my butt to the gym when it's still dark out though, and I'll have to pack in my frozen breakfasts for something a little, oh, I don't know, warmer? Enter baked oatmeal! YUM! Anyway, on to the point of this post. I totally overworked my calves last week (to injury point, yes, I know, stupid....) but in my defense, calves are a funny muscle to work because it never really feels as though you're overworking them. You don't find that out until a day or two later and then you can't walk for a week. Well, you can walk, you just look weird. I provided many bursts of uncontrollable laughter to the people around me. I was told I walked like the creature from Pan's Labrynth. Awesome. So needless to say, I've rested my calves well and used my trusty homemade linament. It works better than anything I've ever bought and it's cheap and easy to make. It's oil based and has cayenne in it, which gives it an orange-y colour, so it may stain. I haven't had trouble with it, but please, don't use it with your favourite white clothes.
Homemade Liniment
1 Tbsp grapeseed or other light oil
1/2 - 1 tsp Cayenne pepper (stir it in, if you have sensitive skin, please add a little then skin test)
5-10 drops Peppermint essential oil (again, add slowly and do a skin test after each addition)
**If you want a solid liniment, add a little (and I mean a little, you won't need much at all for this recipe as it's a small amount) melted beeswax and let it harden into a balm. If it's cool outside or in your house, you can also use coconut oil as a base. Keep in mind as the temperatures climb, the coconut oil will melt.
The cayenne causes deep heating and brings blood to the area, while the peppermint gives you the cooling. You should feel a warming/cooling sensation just like you would with a store bought brand, this is just a safe, natural alternative. If you don't feel warming, add more cayenne, if you don't feel cooling, add more peppermint. I have had success using Eucalyptus essential oil as well, and a blend of both Peppermint and Eucalyptus. Spearmint and Wintergreen work too.
Shake or stir to mix. Apply as needed.
KEEP AWAY FROM EYES AND FACE AND TENDER BITS!!! Wash your hands after you apply.
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