Saturday, March 3, 2012

Back to You

Is there anything, such as, products (of any kind really), health questions, diets (since there are probably a bazillion that are 'all the rage' at any given moment), nutrition, supplements, etc. that you would personally like to see discussed on this Blog? Feel free to comment under this post with your ideas and wants. As many of you know, and it's stated in my Profile, I am a certified Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, so the information that you will receive regarding your questions will, in fact, be accurate and coming from someone who is actually educated and didn't just 'surf the net' for an answer. The internet can be a very harmful place when it comes to finding real information. You never know who it's coming from and what the information they are giving is based on, if anything. I'm game to answer any simple questions that you may have. If you have personal health concerns, you may feel free to book an appointment with me, as I do do this to make a living. But simple inquiries? Fire away! Education is key when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. There are so many 'fads' that follow absolutely no common sense or science and in fact can be very dangerous. If you have personal questions for/about me, feel free to ask. I look forward to hearing your thoughts! :)

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